184. Can Cytoreductive Second Look contribute to survival in Patients with Ovarian Cancer?

(In coll. E.Rabaiotti, E.Garavaglia, M.Carnelli, G.Aletti, A.Ferrari)
Internat J Gynecol Cancer. Vol. 7, Suppl. 1, 36, 1999
Summary:  Second look surgery was performed in 77 patients with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer after chemotherapy. Overall-Survival (OS) of pts. With sub-optimal cytoreduction results significantly lower than OS of pts. With optimal cytoreductive II look(26% vs. 69%; p<0.001) and of pts. With macroscopic negative II look (26% vs. 67%;p<0.001). Optimal secondary cytoreductive surgery can benefit to patients with evident disease during II look surgery.