133. Attuali Orientamenti Terapeutici nella Micosi Genitale: Risultati di uno Studio con un Farmaco non Imidazolico

Ann.Ost.Gin.Med.Perin., CXVII, 89-95, 1996
( In Coll. con P.Basso, A.Soliani, A.Ferrari, L.Busci, A.Agnello, A.Mariani )
Summary: Three undred and fourty-six patients (average age 32.6 yrs), suffering from vaginal infection from Candida or mixed infections, were treated with ciclopiroxolamine (vaginal ovula 1/day for twelve days). The clinical evidence was confirmed with microscopic analysis and coltural test. At the second follow-up visit, four weeks after the end of the therapy, 90.8% and 93.1% of patients were cured, microbiologically and clinically respectively. We conclude that this treatment with ciclopiroxolamine has a good acceptance and a high therapeutic efficacy with stronger antimycotic effect in comparison with the others drugs tested.