131. Miastenia Gravis e Sclerosi Multipla in Gravidanza: Descrizione di un caso clinico

Ann.Ost.Gin.Med.Perin., CXVII, 83-88, 1996
( In Coll. con M.Dindelli, D.Di Nunno, G.Lo Popolo, M.Petrone, A.Ferrari )
Summary: We report a case of a 40 year old woman with myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis and uterine leiomyomas at her first pregnancy. At the 37a wek of gestation the patient underwent a cesarean section which resulted in an hysterectomy because of uterine atony. The neurologic diseases are seldom associated each other and rarely coexist with gestation, but in our patient they did not affect pregnancy, labour and the postpartum. The hysteroctomywas necessay because of the anatomic features of the uterus.