52. La prevenzione dell’insufficienza respiratoria acuta neonatale. Metodica di condizionamento del polmone del babbuino in corso di Taglio Cesareo

Minerva Ginecologica. Vol. 41, pag. 375-380. 1989
(in coll. M. Solca, C.Farina, A. Marini, G. Pifarotti, G.B.Candiani, A. Ferrari )
Summary: Preterm baboons at 140 day gestation (term 182 days) have been sbjected to lung conditioning, consisting of a series of prolonged insufflations of the lungs at 35 cm H2O, followed by approximately 10min of application of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) equal to 15-20 cm H2O, before umbilical cord interruption. The aim of this study was to evaluate in a primate experimental model the safety and efficacy in the prevenction of neonatal RDS of a technique so far experimented only upon ovine models. Thoracopolmunary compliance exceeded the value of 0.2 ml (cm H2O) -1kg-1 in only 1 animal upon 5 (20%), wich didn’t develop illness, versus 69% of positive rsults achieved with the same technique in lambs at 128-130 day gestation, experimental model considered in literature equivalent to a 140 day gestation baboon as far as it concerns incidence and severity of RDS. The application of lung conditioning resulted easy and safe, but its effectiveness in a primate model is still to be defined.