203. Clinical Impact of Prognostic Factors in Endometrial Cancer.

Eur. J. Gynaec. Oncol. Vol XXII, suppl. p.38, 2001.
(In coll. A.Ferrari, E. Garavaglia, P. De Marzi, I. Sassi, E. Rabaiotti, G. Mangili)
Univariate analysis showed a significant relation of survival in 203 consecutive patients with all prognostic     factors examined: agr, grading, myometrial infiltration, vascular invasion, lymph node involvement, peritoneal  cytology, staging and DNA ploidy. At multivariate analysis only DNA content resulted to be an indipendent variable. Actually we use ploidy for stratification of patients in low and high risk subgroups. Recently we opened a clinical trial for intermediate risk  patients (IB G3, IC G1-G2, IIA) who are randomised in two arms: radiotherapy with concomitant chemotherapy versus observation and treatment after relapse. Low Risk patients (IA and IB G1-G2) with aneuploid tumors are also considered for randomisation.